If your artwork is not used as a trademark or is otherwise not subject to trademark registration, it may be eligible for copyright protection.

We provide guidance from A to Z on the copyright process, ensuring that your intellectual property is protected to the full extent of the law.copyrights protection armenia
In Republic of Armenia Copyright extends to works of scholarship, literature, and art that are the result of creative activity regardless of the use and merits of the work and also to means of its expression.

The work must be expressed in audible, written or other objective form allowing the possibility of its perception.
A work in written form or otherwise expressed on a material carrier (manuscript, typescript, musical notation, recording with the use of technical means, including sound or video recording, fixation of an image in two dimensional or volume-spacial form, etc.) shall be considered as having objective form regardless of its accessibility by third persons.
An audible work or other work not expressed on a material carrier, shall be considered to have objective form if it has become accessible for perception by third persons (public speaking or public performance, etc.)
Copyright extends both to works published (made public, released to the public) and also to unpublished works.
Copyright does not extend to ideas, concepts, principles, systems, proposed solutions, nor discoveries of objectively existing phenomena.

 Types of Objects of Copyright
The objects of copyright include:
1) literary works (literary-artistic, scholarly, instructional, publicistic, etc.)
2) dramatic and film script works;
3) musical works with words and without words;
4) musical-dramatic works;
5) choreographic works and pantomimes;
6) audiovisual works (motion picture, television, and video films, slide films, transparency films and other motion picture, television and video works), radio works;
7) works of painting, sculpture, graphics, design and other works of fine art;
8) works of applied decorative and stage-setting art;
9) works of architecture, city planning, and garden and park art;
10) photographic works and works made by modes analogous to photography;
11) geographic, geologic, and other maps, plans, drawings, and plastic works related to geography, topography, and other sciences;
12) programs for computers of all types, including applied programs and operating systems;
13) kinds of fonts;

Arising of Copyright.  Presumption of Authorship
Copyright to a work of scholarship, literature, or art arises by virtue of the fact of its creation.  Neither registration of the work nor the observance of any other formalities is required for the arising of copyright.
A person indicated as author upon first publication of a work is considered its author unless proven otherwise.