The essence of the institute of Re-Domiciliation is that a country's organization is given the opportunity to move to another country, continuing its activities.  
In contrast to the incorporation of a new legal entity in another country, transferring its assets and liabilities or liquidation procedures, which of are mostly complicated and time-consuming processes, Re-Domiciliation is a much simplified procedure and investors  are able to do so without winding-up their business.
Currently, in many countries, this institution works successfully and provides opportunities to attract foreign investment, become favorable business centers.
The monitoring of a number of countries (including Ireland, Malta and Cyprus) shows that the introduction of the Re-Domiciliation positively affects the development of the country's economy and corporate sector. The same study also confirmed that the introduction of Re-Domiciliation institute in the Republic of Armenia is also possible.
In order to introduce the mentioned institute, there have been amendments to the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia and the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On State Registration of Legal Entities, State Registration of Separated Divisions of Legal Entities, Institutions and Individual Entrepreneurs".


An Addendum to the Civil Code of Republic of Armenia has been adopted on 17.11.2016, effective from  30.11.2016

An Addendum to the Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities, State Registration of Separated Divisions of Legal Entities, Institutions and Individual Entrepreneurs". has been adopted on 17.11.2016, effective from  30.11.2016 .

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