We are committed to delivering a personal service to every single one of our clients and through our specialist advice and the wide range of experience in our teams, we guide and advise families and individuals when they need us. Our ongoing relationships with our clients make that difference.

Our attorneys offer a diverse range of services that address many of life’s legal problems. It may be that you need legal advice on a legal dispute, family breakdown, a problem at work with your employer or an immigration issue. You may require legal help to buy a house or flat or need advice on an issue affecting your civil liberties.  Whatever your legal need, iLex Law Firm will provide you with the very best advice whilst putting you at the centre of that process.

© 2010 Այլեքս իրավաբանական գրասենյակ.  
Այլեքս ™ Հեղինակային իրավունքները պաշտպանված են


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